Hyundai Elantra: Driver Attention Warning (DAW) / Function settings
Driver Attention Warning
With the engine on, select or deselect
‘Driver Assistance → Driver Attention
Warning’ from the Settings menu to set
whether or not to use each function.
-- If ‘Inattentive Driving Warning’ is
selected, the system can inform the
driver the driver’s attention level and
can recommend taking a break when
the level falls below a certain level.
Leading Vehicle Departure Alert
-- If ‘Leading Vehicle Departure Alert’ is
selected, the function can inform the
driver when the front vehicle departs
from a stop.
Warning Timing
With the engine on, select ‘Driver
Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the
Settings menu to change the initial
warning activation time for Driver
Attention Warning.
When the vehicle is first delivered,
Warning Timing is set to ‘Normal’. If you
change the Warning Timing, the warning
time of other Driver Assistance systems
may change.
If the engine is restarted, Driver Attention
Warning will maintain the last setting.
Basic function
Driver Attention Warning can help
determine the driver's attention level by
analyzing driving pattern, driving time,
etc. while vehicle is being driven...
Basic function
System display and warning
The basic function of Driver Attention
Warning is to inform the driver of their
‘Attention Level’ and to warn the driver to
‘Consider taking a break’...
Other information:
Instructions (R-134a)When Handling Refrigerant1.R-134a liquid refrigerant is highly volatile. A drop on the skin of your hand could result in localized frostbite. When handling the refrigerant, be sure to wear gloves. 2.It is standard practice to wear goggles or glasses to protect your eyes, and gloves to protect your hands...
The Utility group displays information
related to vehicle driving parameters
including fuel economy and trip distance
Utility Items
The utility items appear as well in utility
view mode, driving assist view mode and
turn by turn view mode...